Getting introduced to a new work environment can be quite intimidating. In a competitive workplace it can be a challenge to make your mark and get noticed. It is very important to prove yourself as an important part of the workforce and be acknowledged via your performance and conduct. Let’s discuss a few ways to ‘up your game’ and get noticed if you’re new in your workplace.
Fitting in
Fitting into a new work environment can be difficult, however working hard towards being a great employee and friendly person can fast track you! Being punctual is the key to a good impression. This way you don’t miss anything of importance that goes on in the work place and it is also easy to deal with your workload. Following the rules of your company can keep you away from trouble and closer to the good books of your supervisors or seniors. Make sure that your attire conforms to the dress code. Get to know about your company’s culture. Simply put, showing respect to your colleagues and company will help you make friends fast!
This goes without saying that your performance is the most important thing that you get evaluated upon. Focus on quality rather than quantity and try to give every task your best. Try to meet deadlines so that you don’t get overburdened with your work and may also find time to engage in other work activities. Communicate with your colleagues in case of any problem. If you have any constructive opinions or ideas, don’t be shy to voice them in the politest way possible. Actively participate in team-oriented activities and discussions and don’t be afraid to take up new challenges. Keep on seeking ways to improve your performance and skill set.
Be a good colleague
This is very important to be remembered well at your workplace. One of the best ways to do this is to try and be as helpful as possible. Without neglecting your own work, everyone will always remember someone who is helpful and generous with their time. Avoid back-biting and negative comments at all costs. Try to provide productive input instead of mere criticism. It is a good practice to participate in workplace events. It helps you meet higher-ups and other coworkers in an informal way. Recognize the efforts of your colleagues and remember to recognize them on important occasions. You could also give them gift cards and hampers on holidays or on their achievements.
Just stay positive! You need to be patient and keep striving for every opportunity that earns you a good reputation. Treat everybody well and try your best to avoid any office politics. Following the above-mentioned tips can definitely get you noticed for all the right reasons. And you never know, that promotion you dream might not be too far ahead either!
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