The bigger the position, the higher the responsibility and the greater should be the attributes to do justice with your company and yourself. Being in an authoritative position can be challenging sometimes and demands a lot of patience to lead a team effectively. No matter what you’re dealing with in your personal life, it always boils down to how you behave in your work environment. Everyone looks up to you and in order to be a role model for them, there are certain rules you need to follow. Have a look:



Talk less, listen more

It is very important to have a listening ear for every position in a work environment, and once you hit the top, it becomes absolutely crucial. Your time is the asset which you need to share with your staff and listen to what they have say. This will give rise to higher creativity levels, giving you individual ideas and solving problems much effectively. Let everyone voice their opinions to hear all aspects of a situation and then make the decision that best suits you. This practice makes everyone feel valued and ultimately, brings home the desired results. 

Celebrate success, learn from the failure

This might sound cliché but it is just as important. Develop a friendly bonding with your staff to make them feel at home. Celebrate every little success to let your team know that their efforts are being noticed. Arrange parties, team dinners or even a small gift hamper for the employee who performed the best. In case of failure, learn from your mistakes and guide your team regarding them, instead of bashing your staff for a setback. Turn your weaknesses into strengths and give everyone the margin of being humans.

Be approachable for all

Most of the times, the authoritative positions build a barrier (physical, mental or both) for their employees, which leads to a coordination lag and hence, more mistakes. You can only grow by lifting others up. Let yourself be approachable for even the lowest staff. Let them share their thoughts and opinions directly with you. Give them the access to reach you whenever they feel like in order to develop a healthy office environment. Sometimes, the work load is just too much to handle. Don’t let anyone suffer alone, because that’s what a team for!

Keep your emotions under control

You need to keep your emotions in check at all times. Don’t panic or get frustrated on the smallest of issues, and even if you do, don’t let anyone see it. A leader is the role model for its staff members and if you give signs of feeling overwhelmed, then your company might give up altogether. Keep everyone in on the ongoing and let them be a part of everything in order to swim out of it together, finding solutions creatively and fighting the odds.

And that’s it! These are the traits of an ideal leader that not only helps you grow but also your team.


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YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYoJRazq1646KS7cELnKZzw

You can’t deny it: we spend most of our day hunched over at work! This has transformed various company cultures into progressing towards a healthier office environment and encouraging its employees to live by a healthy lifestyle. Of course, a healthy body keeps a healthy mind and reflects your overall performance which is why we bring you some of the most promising ways to keep your employees in the pink of their health and spirits. Check them out below:



Hold fitness programs

The best way to get something done is to make it a challenge! It is human instinct to go an extra mile to prove themselves. Arrange fitness programs to encourage your employees to follow a healthy and wholesome routine. This will bring about a positive change in the work and push everyone to be the best version of themselves. Unlocking the fun and fitness together, these challenges help everyone at work to adopt the healthier option and to develop habits that will benefit them for a lifetime. You could also put healthy snack hampers on your employees’ desks to boost their health and confidence. 

Help them discover their purpose

It’s true that a sense of purpose drives you through life with passion, making you feel important and valued. Develop an environment of ownership to make your employees take up whatever healthy habit suits them the most. This feeling of owning a habit will make them responsible for what they’ve stood for, ultimately pushing them to follow the right path. A simple habit of taking stairs instead of elevators will give their routine a fun twist and provide them the resolution they’ve been aiming for.

Encourage them to develop friendships

It’s true that making friends at work is a lot more effective than incentives or other benefits. A sincere friend is the key to have a happy work space, resulting in a fun and productive routine. Feeling supported and admired at work encourages everyone to do their best. A friendly environment builds a work family, developing a bonding of trust and support! Share your daily tasks with your colleagues and seek their help in complicated matters. This simple act will help you be at ease and relieve all stress, bringing out the positive energy.

Hold walking meetings

The new trend of walking meetings has taken over! Hold walking meetings with your staff to encourage the healthy habit of moving instead of sitting though any gatherings. The perfect hack to enhance your movements and develop a habit of walking, these meetings will regulate your blood flow and affect your overall performance positively. Sitting through continuous hours makes you lose interest and focus, as compared to movements that motivate you to keep your focus intact and concentrate on the subject under discussion.

These small tricks can go a long way to help your employees become healthy and lead a happy life, coming to work each day with the brightest smiles.






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It is only natural to start your career with a job that you weren’t aiming for. It takes a continuous hunt to land the right one suiting your skill set and qualification. If you’re the boss or the manager of a company, you definitely will have some employees that may feel like they are at a stepping-stone job. It takes a few tips and tricks to turn your staff into a dedicated one, providing them a platform where they look forward to coming each day. let’s have a look at some of the ways to retain your employees for as long as you want.


Create a friendly environment

Your office shouldn’t feel like a place for robots; all work and no play. Build an environment that suits every taste, bringing you comfort and enabling your workers to work in a relaxed surrounding! Provide comfortable chairs for the right posture to minimise fatigue. Celebrate even the smallest of achievements and surprise one another with gift hampers to strengthen your relationship with the staff. This will encourage a friendly atmosphere and help everyone open up without any hesitation. Instead of bossing them around, be friends with your colleagues and take interest in their affairs.

Make clear goals

One of the most common factors of losing interest in work is confusion regrading goals and daily tasks. Make sure to put everything clearly out on the table for everyone to understand and be on the same page. Hold small meetings in the morning to clearly present everyone’s daily tasks to result in a productive and efficient day. This practice will help your employees to be clear regarding their to-do list, enabling them to work up to their full potential and show you what they got! In the long run, your staff will want to come to work because it will encourage them to polish their skills and showcase their capabilities.

Be more flexible

Today’s era brings new changes in the work environment to make you look forward to getting up each day. Flexible hours and attitude help employees trust their employer and be sincere to their work. They can work from the comfort of their homes without compromising on quality. The ideal work atmosphere features leniency and giving its employees the margin of being human. Deal with your staff as you would like yourself to be treated and watch as everyone blends in perfectly.

Offer benefits

Everyone works to earn money, but with added benefits, it helps them to get on with their lives with much more passion. Health insurance, transport and other such facilities enable you to enjoy your work with absolute enthusiasm. Build a relationship of trust and dependence by offering adequate benefits to provide convenience and comfort to your employees and having them work for you with true dedication in return.

And that’s it! Try these effective tips to keep your employees happy and satisfied in your office space, resulting in a productive and efficient work family.




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Email – info@hamperswithbite.com.au
Phone – 1300 645 491
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Having a network of colleagues, mentors and relationships has become a much needed part of business today. Building on these relationships will help you spread the word about your abilities and create opportunities! Here is our list of the top tips to networking like a pro:


Business cards

It might be the most obvious way but they always help! Giving your business cards to potential clients, mentors, or even just family and friends helps get the word out there exactly how you want it. Include great design and it will be a card to remember!

Talk yourself up (in a good way)

Don’t be afraid of being proud of yourself! Nobody wants to do business with the person who isn’t sure or isn’t confident in their abilities. There is a fine line between that and being arrogant, but it is possible to be confident in yourself and spread the word that you’re good at what you do!

Use social media

LinkedIn is your new best friend. If you want to create real connections in your industry it helps to stay connected online. Notifications will keep you up to date with someones career and business movements.

Attend events

There are so many ways to network these days including attending events specifically for your area of business. Attending these helps to make you a familiar face. From there, inviting others out to drinks or coffees helps to build relationships in your industry.

Stay in touch

Frequency of communication can definitely help strengthen your relationships, and there are so many ways that you can keep in touch. A friendly email, a LinkedIn message, or quick phone call help connect you on a personal level.



Want to get in touch or see more…
Website – https://www.hamperswithbite.com.au/
Email – info@hamperswithbite.com.au
Phone – 1300 645 491
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YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYoJRazq1646KS7cELnKZzw

Letting great clients know that you really appreciate their business can never go astray. A helpful gift to clients you really love is a great way to keep your brand top of mind and keep them coming back for more! On the other hand a special surprise might be a way to win over clients you want to bring on board! Delight an important business relation with a corporate gift to show you really know them and care. Check out some of our top tips below for sending a professional gift to help thrive and build great client relationships!





A tried and true favourite in the gifting sphere is of course a little tipple. This kind of gift is is best for an individual contact or small team that you’d like to thank! A well-aged wine or delicious bottle of champagne can be enjoyed or appreciated by all.


This kind of gift may be on the slightly less exciting side, but what does every office need… stationary! There are some beautiful pieces out there including fountain pens, impressively bound notebooks and all kinds of technology accessories that help your client do their day to day that they will of course appreciate.

Gourmet hampers

Not only are gourmet hampers full of delicious foods you know they will love, but a larger team or company can always put them to good use! A Hampers With Bite hamper can be divided into a divine spread of all kinds of food and drinks for everybody to enjoy. This tried and true favourite will always keep clients in good company and impress staff!
To take your gifting to the next level you can always personalise and customise your gift in that particular clients branding! Just contact us at info@hamperswithbite.com.au to personalise your gifts and create a lasting impression on your favourite client!

Want to get in touch or see more…
Website – https://www.hamperswithbite.com.au/
Email – info@hamperswithbite.com.au
Phone – 1300 645 491
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YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYoJRazq1646KS7cELnKZzw

Christmas time tends to be hectic for everyone, whether you directly celebrate it or not, the craziness and hype surrounding  any public space, can make anyone feel as though they’re running without actually moving. Even more so, when working in a corporate environment, the end of the year is always the busiest time in the work year, tying up loose ends before Christmas break, combined with the craziness of Christmas prep can often get a bit overwhelming.

Then let’s not forget the most important one, combining the corporate with the Christmas, ahhh yes, two C words that when combined, can send even the calmest of us into a straight panic.  In case you’re thinking, “what on earth are they referring to” well, we’re talking about those gifts that you give to your clients and affiliates at the end of the year, yeah you know, the one’s that say thank-you for your business, or your help and so on. Anyone who’s ever had the responsibility of organising these gifts on behalf of a company can truly sympathise with how stressful and difficult this task can be.

So, you want to impress, yes? Yet you don’t have all the time in the world to go gift hunting, well look no further. We have the perfect solution, for any calibre of company and client. Nothing impresses more than personalisation and what we at Hampers With Bite like to refer to as, “Busi-ness to impress”.

Leave a lasting impression and add a little extra spark to your Christmas hamper with our vast range of options, where you can place your company logo across almost anything, well, not anything, but close enough.
Below we’ve shown you the options available for your perusal:


  Greeting Cards





Gift Box Sleeves




Cheese Boards


Beer Labels


Wine Labels


Wine Cases

The best part of all, how easy and non time consuming the process is!




Want to get in touch or see more…
Website – https://www.hamperswithbite.com.au/
Email – info@hamperswithbite.com.au
Phone – 1300 645 491
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During a time of new beginnings and bright futures it is time to celebrate! If someone you know has just made one of the greatest leaps and taken a big step into an exciting new life, what better way to celebrate than surrounded by family, friends and the best of gourmet food and wine. We love capturing the moment and helping you celebrate, read below to see our list of the best new home gifts for your family and friends!




This might be the most obvious of answers but guess what, they really are welcomed! If a new home has a stale smell or a newly renovated place still has a whiff of paint and plaster, candles are the way to go. Skip the Coles tealight candles and head straight to luxe. A gorgeous smelling, three wicked, glass jarred candle will last a long time and smell lovely!


Plants are a home wares essential that you don’t always think to buy for yourself. Bringing a little bit of greenery into a space can help to clear the air, add an organic touch, and make the vibe feel a little bit more homely all round. On the other hand, if you know they are a serial-plant-killer, a set of faux succulents might be the way to go.

Sound system

The perfect sound system is something every home needs. Even if you know it won’t be a party household, a little bit of soft dinner time music is always a relaxing experience! Nowadays speakers are smaller and sleeker than ever and a pocket sized boom box can be perfect for any space.

Settlement Hamper

Each of our unique Settlement Hampers are tastefully designed and presented to include a range of gourmet goodies. Help fill the new pantry with kitchen staples turned up a notch including chocolates, biscuits, nuts and other snacks. Send through hearty wishes with these genuinely delicious gifts they are sure to be happy to receive. With our wide range of settlement hampers you’ll be set for any housewarming parties or gifting to the lucky homeowners. Tastefully packaged in beautiful baskets, boxes and cases; delivered meticulously at the recipients’ doorstep, our Hampers With Bite settlement hampers are the perfect choice to celebrate this grand occasion. Our A Picture Of Home Hamper is perfect!




Want to get in touch or see more…
Website – https://www.hamperswithbite.com.au/
Email – info@hamperswithbite.com.au
Phone – 1300 645 491
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YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYoJRazq1646KS7cELnKZzw

It is only natural to have uninspiring days at work, no matter how amazing your job is. We’ve all been there, feeling low and just not wanting to do anything. As a boss or manager, making your co-workers feel inspired or continuously engaged in their tasks with active energy can fall on your shoulders most of the times. You need to find those right buttons to click to keep their morale alive and kicking. That is why, we bring you some tried and tested ways to keep your staff in full zeal. Have a look!


Be more social

Communication is the key! We can’t stress this enough, but it is one of the most basic rules of a satisfied and happy work environment. Talk to even your lowest staff daily. Make them open up to you regarding their personal life to keep tabs if they’re facing some problems at their homes which resulted in lack of inspiration. This will give you the direction as to how to keep them motivated in the best way possible. Let your team gather up each morning to share their views on most general of things like weather, political situations or sports. This simple activity could spark up a conversation which would then become a source of inspiration for them. 

Encourage them

It doesn’t matter how small of a task they accomplished, your simple words of encouragement could go a long way to make them feel inspired, making them want to do more. Acknowledge their feelings, thoughts, ideas and appreciate their efforts with a simple gift hamper. Being grateful is the key to harvesting more happiness and keeping your work space productive. You don’t have to break your bank to appreciate their efforts. Even a small gift basket can turn your uninspired co-workers into passionate ones.

Give them break

At the times when nothing works to fuel your passion, the wisest thing is to let it go for a while instead of forcing it in. Give breaks to your employees when they don’t feel like doing anything. Let them have a walk outside the office or a lunch at their favourite place to kick start their inspiration. This will have a relaxing effect on their minds and they will somehow feel refreshed to get back to work with a fresh enthusiasm. If they’re still pushing themselves to work, then let them have a leave for a day to roam around the city to find things that inspire them the most.

Write a motivational note

There are little things in life that matter the most and help you pick yourself up in times when nothing work. A simple note could make your colleague happiest even when he or she is going through the toughest times. Write a motivational quotation or a happy note and leave it at their desk when they’re not around. The simple feeling of knowing that someone cares will help your mind to shift back to the passionate mode.

Collaborate with your team members on a regular basis and build a work family to lift everyone up when they’re down!



Want to get in touch or see more…
Website – https://www.hamperswithbite.com.au/
Email – info@hamperswithbite.com.au
Phone – 1300 645 491
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YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYoJRazq1646KS7cELnKZzw

Here at Hampers With Bite we thought it was time to introduce our amazing team! Our team is full of gourmet food aficionados, packaging experts, sales extraordinaires, and all round lovers of hampers. This close knit group work so hard to bring our clients and customers only the best of the best all year round, so let’s meet them!
It’s time to meet the most organised person you’ll ever meet, and our Office Operations Manager: Jamie!


Hi Jamie! Introduce yourself!

I’m Jamie and I am the Office Operations Manager at Hampers With Bite.

What is your role at Hampers With Bite?

If there is a problem, I try to solve it. It is my job to make sure everyone is prepared for the start of Christmas season. It always creeps up on us so quickly! One day we have 3 months left and the next day its September 1st and everything is operation go.

What is your favourite part of your job?

A large part of my job is hiring our seasonal staff to help us with the rush. We get some great new fun staff every year and there is a lot of team bonding which goes on. It’s crazy but its fun. I work a lot with implementing new tech systems within our office I also work closely with our warehouse to ensure everything we are implementing is running smoothly on their end.

What is the hardest part of your job?

I love rising to a challenge but my eyes will always roll back in my head when someone mentions our internet connection troubles! You’d think it wouldn’t be so hard to get good speeds these days!!!

Favourite hamper?

I’m a huge wine and food fan and love a gin & tonic during the hotter months! So I can’t go past The Gin-Dulgence! It offers everything you could need to kickstart a fine dining experience.

Keep up to date on our social media platforms and blog to meet more of the Hampers With Bite team!



Want to get in touch or see more…
Website – https://www.hamperswithbite.com.au/
Email – info@hamperswithbite.com.au
Phone – 1300 645 491
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For many people getting to where you want to be career-wise usually starts at the bottom of the ladder. Being the littlest fish in the biggest pond and whilst you’re down there, you’re usually expected to pick up some basic, not-so-fancy, grunt work! Interning and work experience in an industry you are passionate about can be the greatest thing for your career. Showing that you can do the basics really well, work hard,and aren’t afraid to get your hands dirty almost stands out more on a resume than degrees and grades!
Here are out top 5 lessons from an office full of experienced past-interns. Check them out!


Networking is so important and it starts here.

The best thing you can do when starting an internship is to build, build, and build connections! This can be digitally on LinkedIn – don’t be afraid to send connection requests to other interns you’re working with or your seniors. Otherwise in person is even better! When your boss mentions that she knows someone who knows someone who is in the industry, start a conversation and follow it through to start building relationships. Finding and nurturing relationships can also lead to some awesome mentors!

Professional communication.

Long gone are the days of kisses on the end of text messages, you’re in the business world now so it’s time to write like it! It can be difficult to get used to, but taking in the kind of language your co-workers use, in meetings and over emails will help you build your professional tone of voice.

Don’t expect a gold star for good work

When interning you have usually been hired to do the nitty-gritty jobs that other workers don’t have time to do (photocopying and coffee runs anyone?!) However if you’ve landed an awesome role that is keen to develop your skills you’ll of course be putting 100% effort into your work. Saying that, don’t expect praise all the time! If you do a good job, praise and recognition will come in the long run from a good boss, but not for every little task.

Don’t be afraid to ask questions.

Nobody wants to seem like they don’t know what they’re doing, but staying silent is a no-no. Blindly saying yes to tasks can end up with you producing less-than-great work, not completing jobs, or unfortunately looking like you just don’t have the smarts or expertise. Ask questions! Always! A mentor or trainer would always rather explain at the start, than fix mistakes later.


This may seem like a strange one, you’re at an internship to work hard… right? Correct, but you also want the feedback and recommendations that comes out to say that you’re a friendly person too! Saying yes to lunches, coffees and Friday night drinks will help you bond with your colleagues and let you get to know them on a more personal level, and you’ll be able to show off your star personality!


Want to get in touch or see more…
Website – https://www.hamperswithbite.com.au/
Email – info@hamperswithbite.com.au
Phone – 1300 645 491
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